Friday, August 14, 2009

Haberdashery in the paper, Star Bulletin's 'HI Life'

Check out this article on Haberdashery that came out in the Honolulu Star Bulletin today, Friday, August 14th.

If you're 21+, come support us this Saturday night at 9pm at the Mercury Bar! We promise not to be too mushy.

And, don't forget, HABERDASHERY LOVES YOU!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Mercury Bar performance next Saturday = story in Honolulu Weekly

It's nice to see yourself in the paper every once-in-a-while. Even nicer is seeing yourself in person at the Mercury Bar on Saturday! Come one, come all!

Saturday...Saturday...oh, Saturday! The 15th.

Saturday August 15, Haberdashery will be playing two, count them, TWO sets at Mercury Bar.

The event, Strange Fruit, starts at 9:00 pm and runs 'til 2:00 am. Sorry, it's 21+ and there's a cover charge of $5, but we've got a terrific performance lined up for you, so the investment is worth it!

The Mercury Bar on Chaplain Lane in Chinatown
1154 Fort Street Mall # 10
Honolulu, HI

Hope to see you there...with bells on (whatever that don't have to take it literally)!