Saturday, January 30, 2010

Meet Djinn!

On our very first sojourn into the streets of Portland, we heard this chap masterfully playing his violin on the same street we planned to busk on. We paused for a moment to appreciate his art and moved down the block to our spot. After a few minutes of playing we saw him appear at the edge of the very small and very cold crowd that had gathered to sway back and forth to our barking melodies. With only a moments hesitation he opened up his violin case and joined in with the music. Because his violin sounds so very sweetly and because he is an incredibly cool human being we have asked him to join our little group of revelers, and to our eternal thanks he accepted. When you see us on the street, shake him warmly by the hand. He will look into your eyes and heal your soul from the inside out.

We Have a Sponsor!

We have a sponsor! Dickerys provides us with all the blood purifying nerve tonic we can drink, however it tastes like tin foil and we are legally required to tell you that any restoration of the humors you might experience while drinking Dickerys is purely coincidental...